JGU Policies and national regulations

Further relevant JGU policies and regulations

The recommendations of the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz to ensure good research practice can be found here [German only].

In addition, you will find further relevant information on the topics of scientific integrity and ethics on the information page of the JGU University Medical Center.

In addition to the regulations for handling data within the JGU Regulations for ensuring good research practice, JGU has also formulated its own guidelines for handling research data [German only].

Further information on handling research data and support and consulting services can be found on the pages of the team of research data experts.

The JGU promotes the idea of Open Access and considers the "full visibility and worldwide free availability of scientific information" (translated by AkIn) as a prerequisite for excellent science - defined in the Open Access Policy of the JGU. Further information on Open Access and funding opportunities for publication costs on the pages of the University Library Mainz.

Among others, the JGU Publication Guideline provides recommendations on how to cite your own institution/organizational unit or funding information as well as on how to deal with personal names and academic identity management (e.g. ORCID) or with references to research and teaching within social media channels. You will also find a list of contacts for various areas of publishing.

"GYR has developed guidelines that set out the university's mission statement for dealing with its early career researchers. The guidelines offer orientation for day-to-day work and research. The guidelines were adopted by the Senate on June 29, 2018."

(Source: https://www.gyr.uni-mainz.de/gyr-recommendations/ )

The guidelines can be found here.

"The purpose of a supervision agreement is to come to a mutual agreement on the structure of the doctoral phase. This creates a transparent and reliable basis for supervision for both the doctoral candidate as well as the supervisor. Creating a dialog on expectations and ideas helps to prevent disappointments and misunderstandings for both parties by identifying and clearing up discrepancies early on." (Source: https://www.gyr.uni-mainz.de/gyr-recommendations/).

A template of such a supervision agreement is provided by the Gutenberg Council for Young Researchers (GYR) on its homepage, as well as the guidelines for the supervision agreement. Further information as well as an overview of department-specific templates is provided by the Gutenberg Graduate School of the Humanities and Social Sciences.


National regulations